Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mawage: A Dweam Wiffin a Dweam

Well, it's official...WE'RE MARRIED!!! It's been a long, twisted road, but neither of us would trade the five years we've waited to be together. I love being able to say that I married my best friend, and know that I really mean it. Trevor and I have grown so close to one another throughout the years, that the transition from the single life to married life was the smoothest it could ever be.

The wedding day was beautiful. We were sealed in the Bountiful, Utah temple at 2:30 pm on December 18, 2010. We were so blessed to have our closest friends and our loved ones present...although, that almost wasn't the case. My Aunt Mel and Uncle Steve graciously volunteered to pick up the bridal parties flowers at our reception hall to bring them over to the temple for pictures. And since it's a wedding day, something had to go awry. Bumper to bumper traffic. They made it though, with only a minute to spare. My aunt looked faint. It's a part of our wedding day that we'll never forget, that's for sure!

(Madelyn Wayment Photography) 

We're excited to see what the future holds for us and our new family that we've created. Yes, there will be tough times and some bumps in the road, but we are centering our marriage around the Lord and we know that as we stay close to Him and each other, our lives will be blessed.