Saturday, September 10, 2011

Viva Las Vegas (and everything else)

Before I begin this post, I would like to apologize for my lack of blogging. I've come to the conclusion that I'm horrible at documenting my life through pictures, so I never have anything fun to look at when people read my blog! I still don't have many pictures for this post, but I'm going to work on getting better at my "remembering the camera" skills. 

Big news in the Morgan family.............


After I finish Student Teaching in November, I will be a tried-and-true graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education. :)

After Graduation, Trevor and I spent a good two and a half weeks with his family. First, we went camping up in Stanley, Idaho. If you've never been there, it should definitely be on your "Places to see before I die" list. 

 See what I mean? It's breath taking. 

After we spent a week in camping paradise, we headed back to Oregon where we stayed at Trevor's parents house for a week and a half. It was so nice to spend time with the family and relax after a stressful semester at school. I even learned a few new things! 
  1. How to fold a fitted sheet. I don't know about you, but that's always been a handicap of mine.
  2. How to cook AMAZING food. All week I kept saying, "This is the best _________ I've ever had!" My in-laws were beginning to think I've never eaten in my life.
  3. How to crochet! I made an impressive hot-pad and now I want to start a simple blanket. Crocheting is the perfect outlet for a fidgeter like me. :)

Once we left Oregon, we were "Las Vegas, Or Bust". We drove down through California and stopped at Trevor's Aunt and Uncle's BEAUTIFUL house. Staying at their house was better then staying at a 5 star hotel....seriously. We were so thankful they let us stay with them and for showing us around San Francisco. It's been one of my life long dreams to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and have my hand turn orange. didn't turn orange...


The Cute Couple. :)

Coit Tower!

The Grace Cathedral Doors

Trevor and I at Ghirardelli Square. We were pretty exhausted at this point...if you can't tell. :)

And now we're here in Las Vegas! I've started my student teaching already and I LOVE my students. I'm so excited to be working in a Performing Arts Middle School! These kids are learning musical concepts that I never learned until High School! It's great to see the that the arts are thriving here in Las Vegas, because throughout the rest of the country, it's becoming less and less supported. 

My parents are moving here in less then a month, along with my brother, so it'll be nice to be close to family. :)  
Maybe with my mom here there will be more pictures taken since she goes crazy over picture taking. 

Other things we've done that don't have pictorial documentation:
  • Visted the Pawn Stars Pawn Shop.....twice.
  • My sister, Rachel, came to visit.
  • Got gelato at the Venetian.
  • Saw four different Elvis'
  • Bellagio Fountains (They were set to "My Heart Will Go On"....and I cried.)